Overflow Box/Sump Question


So i changed out my canister filters today for a wet/dry using two hob overflow boxes. These things are unbelievably loud. The tank is in my living room and the wife already asked how long it was going to be like this. The bulk of the sound is coming from the overflow boxes. I have the foam sponges that came with it in there. Is there any way to silence these things? I also left one canister running until the wet/dry is seeded. How long do you guys think it will take until i can take off the canister?


Active Member
You can probably remove the canister after a couple of weeks just be sure you monitor your ammonia levels for a few days afterwards.
Google stockman's and gurgle buster overflows, they are both inexpensive and easy to build. I built one that is a combo between the two designs that works very well for me, my overflow is almost silent now.