Overflow box


If the water line falls below the the box on the inside the tank, I will lose the siphon in the overflow tube. Correct? I am having trouble understanding how you keep the flow back to the tank, and the flow from the tank equal for an extended amount of time.


well since the whole system contains more water then what you'd want in the tank (if you consider the sump/fuge, drainline, returnline). The extra water that the pump pushes into the tank overflows (hence the name) into the overflow and then is siphoned down into the sump/fuge. The only concerns are:
1) that your overflow can handle all the water the pump is pushing into the tank (a 600gph overflow would not be a good choice for a 1000gph pump)
2) the siphon is broken due to air getting into the overflow (not a problem if you buy a quality overflow like a lifereef).
3) Power outage braking siphon (also not a problem with a quality overflow)
How's that? Does it make sense?

mr . salty

Active Member
Most overflows I have seen keep water in the box when the tank level drops.This will keep the syphon from breaking.As long as both ends of the syphon tube are under water,the syphon will continue when the pump is restarted.....