overflow boxes

tru conch

Active Member
i am looking to build my own sump/refruigum, but i dont want to spend 50+ dollars on an overflow box.
is is possible to run the supply line to the sump directly from the tank? i dont see why not, esp if i use a sponge pre filter.... any suggestions are welcome.

old hermit

something like making your own overflow box could be hard to do. especially if you dont seal it good or there is a small hole in it. you may have a mess. i didnt trust my self to build it so i had to buy one, i really didnt want to though.


I bought mine from the LFS for just $17. It was for my 75G. That's not a lot of money. Just buy it.


Devante. $17 for an overflow?? Email with details I will send you money for one plus give yuo some for your troubles. "buddah73@aol.com"
Thanks Darren


No joke devante, you could make money off of this one! I'd be very happy to get a $17 overflow, and I'd pay some extra on top of that and still say it was a great deal!
Email me at drummerboy201981@yahoo.com