overflow from wetdry noise?


ok im wondering when i get my sump setup to my established tank,
how loud is the overflow box gonna be- you know the setup where the overflow box is hanging in the tank connected to a siphon and to a prefilter box.
would you say it would be just as loud as having a HOB skimmer or louder?


Active Member

Originally posted by roggy23
ok im wondering when i get my sump setup to my established tank,
how loud is the overflow box gonna be- you know the setup where the overflow box is hanging in the tank connected to a siphon and to a prefilter box.
would you say it would be just as loud as having a HOB skimmer or louder?

I run one and it is very quiet, in fact hardly any noise what so ever. One hint/trick I found is though if you get a gurgling sound is put a piece of thin tubing down the center and it quiets it right down. What it does instead of making that suckin sound it pulls air from the small tube. I also put in valves so I can shut it off if I need to, which has come in hand a few times for cleaning/moving stuff around.
I use a crp box and overall. The only thing I dont like about it that it uses a powerhead to keep the siphon going. I would suggest putting this powerhead in your sump otherwise it will put bubbles in your tank. It also makes me nervous because if that little tube ever falls off........


i hate the bubbles that is why i am going from a can filter to a sump setup becasue my can filter releases bumbles inthe tank from the return nozzle along with my HOB skimmer.


Active Member

Originally posted by roggy23
i hate the bubbles that is why i am going from a can filter to a sump setup becasue my can filter releases bumbles inthe tank from the return nozzle along with my HOB skimmer.

Not sure how ur sump is setup but mine has three chambers. I put the Powerhead in the first and by the time it gets to the return pump the bubbles have floated away.