overflow help


Active Member
does the overflow GPH have to match the return pumps GPH? if so, is 300 GPH overflow and return good for a 75 gallon tank?


Active Member
Your return pump does not need to match exactly I would say it needs to be at least two thirds what the overflow is rated after headloss is calculated. If your pump output is too low airbubbles will accumulate in the U-tube and restrict the flow and eventually causing a flood. That 300gph overflow I am guessing is acually going to be capable of more than 300gph probably closer to 600gph depending on the size of the U-tube and the bulkhead if it has a 1" U-tube and bulkhead than it is going to be about 600gph if it is smaller than it is probably only 300gph.
The amount of flow to a sump is not all that critical it is just a good source of circulation without using a powerhead in your tank, but If it were me I would go with a 600gph overflow or more.


Active Member
Yes somewhere in that range would be ideal as long as your return pump after you figure in your headloss (ie length of verticle pipe, length of horizontal pipe and # of elbows) is between 550-800gph you should be fine.
Just to let you know your headloss calculation does not need to be exact there is a calc on -- that will get you close enough or you can look at some of the tables that are posted on various pool websites.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
my headloss will be about 4 1/2ft. with two 45 dergree angles and three 90 degree angles.
Your headloss will be aprx 6' using 1" pvc with 4 1/2' of verticle pipe, 2 45's and 3 90's so a quietone 4000HH pump would deliver about 800gph to your tank a mag 9.5 would send about 700gph.


Active Member
what about using two aquaclear 70's for the return? each one is 400 GPH, so that would make 800 GPH. i might make a DIY overflow. could i use a plastic container from the dollar store to make the inside one with teeth? should the inside overflow be the same size as the outside overflow?


Active Member
The aquaclear 70 is not rated for return pump duty so it won't work. Any particular reason you are wanting to run two pumps?
It is possible to build a DIY overflow you just need to make sure that both ends of the U-tube stay submerged or you will lose your syphon when the power goes out. You might check out the DIY PVC overflow in the equipment section.


Active Member
A mag 7 or a quietone 3000 are both about $70 shipped and the other pumps I looked at are about the same price for something that will get you close to 600gph to your tank.