overflow issues


I have a 180 with overflows in each corner, the holes are 2 inch, I have 1 inch bulkheads, with 1.5 inch standpipes in them. It does not seem like enough water is flowing through them. Can anyone post pictures of their standpipes? I am not sure if mine are set up correctly. Also my drains are in the water in the sump, does this restrict flow, or should they be above the water level in the sump.
I have 2 mag 9.5 as return pumps, I had to turn one off and the other one down to avoid empting the sump.
Any and all help is appreciated.


no you want your drains below the water. i have mine about an inch from the bottom of the sump. otherwise it would be splashing everywhere. the only thing i can tell you to do to increase your flow would be upgrade the pipe size to atleast 1 1/2"


Active Member
I run two Mag 9.5 from my sump for a 150 gal with two one inch drains useing a durso style stand pipes I built and it works fine.
I know this does not help your problem so post details of your stand pipe.


Okay, this is the idea. It is made of 1.5 inch PVC with a T at the top, out of the T is a 90 with about a 2 inch pipe on that, the cap has about a 1/8 inch hole.
Dogstar could you try to explain what I am missing?


Active Member
Maybe the air hole is too small. I drilled sideways thru my cap and thru the pipe a large hole so I can adjust the size of the hole by twisting the cap. HTH


you need to build a set of these they work great on my 180 i run a mag 12 & 24 and have no over flow problems and they are silent


Thanks for the replys, it is up and running now. My standpipes are a little taller and the water is only about 3/4 inch from the top of the overflow, but I do not think that would matter. I added about 150pounds of cured LR last night as well. Tonight begins the aquascaping.