overflow niose


i have a 75gal tank. I installed the durastand and eliminated the waterfall niose. now my sump is in my basement so the water must fall about 8 feet to get to the sump. the water rushing down the drain tube is quite noisey. any ideas on how to quite this noise down would be appreciated.


if you run a search on this site you will find loads of info on overflows. just type in noisy overflow and the info wont stop!!!


Everyone with their basements makes me so jealous... I have no basement. So will never have the tank of my dreams.



Originally posted by NiceNakago
Everyone with their basements makes me so jealous... I have no basement. So will never have the tank of my dreams.

I have a basment sump. unfortunately my display tank is also in the basement, damn.


You must need quite a big pump to pump that back up to your tank on the main floor. Your going to lose massive gph as a result. Other than that it would be neat. Maybe you could try to put some curves in there somewhere to slow the water a bit so it isnt a 10' free fall.


thanks everyone for the help. i now have the whole tank running virtually silent. yes i need a big pump to get the water back upstairs. i have a iwaki md55 pump which puts out 1100 gph. from what i figure i still have somewhere between 550 to 650 gph going into my tank by the time it gets upstairs. ill post some pics when i get some time. thanks again everyone. this is a great message board. now on to getting the water and tank ready.