Overflow question


I have an 80 DT and have just completed my 29 gal sump tank. I am going to put in a 1200 gph overflow box and was wondering a few things...
1- is 1200 gph to much?
2- If I use a 820 gph pump for the return, will the overflow box compensate for that or do I need need a 1200 gph pump?
3- I have a chiller, can I have the returm pump go to the chiller then the DT?
Sorry for all this but extremely new to saltwater...


with the return pump you have to compensate for the lenght in return line. i have a 100 gallon tank with a 1200 gph overflow box and with 4 1/2 feet on return line my return pumps about 1150 gph and that works fine.the return pump should be a little bit less than the overflows gph