overflow question


I have an AGA210 with dual mega overflows. When I look behind the tank the water level on one is steady but the other keeps surging up and down a little..Is that normal?


Active Member
BTW, how's your scat?
On your box--is a filter clogged and/or is it too close to a powerhead?


The Scatt is getting better,The French Angel is pecking off the reddness on his fin.I think it was some kind of infection.
I never really paid attention to the back so not sure how long it has been doing this.I just added a "t" fitting so water flows into both holes in my wet dry.I have a pro clear 400 and only had one hose hooked up because the other overflow is dumping into my fuge.I noticed that half of the bioballs were getting wet so I made a "t" so the water dumps into both holes.Less restriction too..??????


This is what I am talking about.The first pic the hose was down.I put it up some in the second pic but it is still surging.???I cant put it straight up because I clean the filter pad every other day.The top wont come off then.



Active Member
Pre-filters are fine? My dual overflows go into two hoses and don't meet up until they get down to the skimmer in the wet/dry.... It's more noisy than I would like, but water is always even on each side.
Is your house spinning? JK

There's no 'surge' of water at one and not the other? ie. the water doesn't intermittently go into the overflow in 'waves' because of a powerhead or some other erratic water motion?


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Are you using the AGA version of the Durso pipe inside the overflows?
Not sure?It came with the tank, used..There are 2 sealed overflows with pvc tubes behind it.


Active Member
Do you have any adjustments on the tubes in the oveflows that are the drain tubes? Any pics of the overflows?


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Do you have any adjustments on the tubes in the oveflows that are the drain tubes? Any pics of the overflows?
The drain tube can move up and down a little...I looked in a catalog and it looks like the AGA mega flow kit.


Active Member
Hey brucewrs, have you tried making any height adjustment to the pipe in the overflow that's surging???? I know with the regular dursostandpipe, that's what the holes are drilled in the top for to regulate and adjust the amount of air, and does stop the surging effect......HTH


Active Member
If the tank is out of level, or the pipes a slight different length...that could cause them to fight each other and one to slurp...