Overflow question


Ok, first of all, i'm wondering if I got some bad advice from my LFS. I went in, looking for a pump and accessories to finish up my refuge. I had decided on a mag 5 pump because I'm only running a 10 gallon refuge on a 50 gallon tank.
I asked one of the guys that normally, I get really good advice from. He's been very helpful getting me setup with lots of good specimens and some excellent lighting. Now, Most everyone I see here uses a mag 7 or something along those lines. But, this guy reccomended a 300 gph powerhead instead of the mag pump. Granted, it was a nice powerhead that can be adapted to submersiable or inline use, but still.....A powerhead for a fuge pump return?? I explained to him again what I was trying to accomplish...50 gallon tank, 10 gallon refuge. And he insisted that I go with the 25 dollar powerhead instead of the mag pump.
Of course, I bought the mag 5 pump when he wasnt looking :p Didnt want to hurt his feelings. But still, does anyone think that this seems a bit strange? I did also explain to him that my tank was under my stand, there is about 4 feet of lift, yet he still insisted on the powerhead.
Also, my questions and reason for the thread. On my 50 gallon tank, I need an overflow. He recomended the CPR overflow which I hear is very nice, but the one he recommended was the CS 100, the 800 GPH one. Do I need an overflow that big? I mean, that thing was half the size of my tank?? Should I, and Could I for reasons of lack of money, step down to the CS 90 or even the CS 50 and it still function properly? Or, will I be kicking myself for not getting the larger model?
Thanks in advance.


Lets not get a sump mixed up with a fuge....I had a 25 gal fuge next to my 150 gal sps tank. I used a Maxi Jet 1200 (less then 300 gph) to feed it. You should have low flow through a fuge, 100 gph is more the enough for a 10 gal fuge..
Personally, I think refuge's are a huge waste of money.


Active Member
In my opinion, whether you're running a refugium or a sump - having any 800 gph overflow with too little return pump OR powerhead is asking for trouble.
Chances are there will not be enough flow though the overflow to keep bubbles from accumulating in the U tube or curved portion of the CPR.
Bubbles that are allowed to accumulate up there will cause a loss of siphon.
CPR overflow fans will tell you to hook up a powerhead to keep those bubbles from accumulating, as their design allows.
My only response to that is " what if the powerhead to the CPR fails? "
That's one good reason to use a sump with a large pump, and steel some of the return line water to feed the fuge.
That way - you get to increase water circulation in the display tank AND have the separate fuge for macro or pods or whatever.
Running a low flow though an overflow leads to problems - at least in my experience.


Active Member
Been there/done that and can testify. Low return with overflow is a "headache." Enough to make me abandon the whole fuge thing. To me Broomer's bleed off design is the only surefire way to run a fuge.
Good Luck!


Broomer-I like the idea. Let me make sure I get this straight (this is my first attempt at a fuge and/or sump) You dont want a huge amount of flow thorugh the fuge, correct? But, you would want decent flow through a sump?
Oh and I know there is contraversy on the whole, fuge or no fuge. I just wanted to see if I could accomplish a decent fuge system. It will probably serve not alot of purpouse for now, other than it being there circulating water. Only thing in there for now will be live sand, eventually a couple of small piece of LR and some


Just my 2 cents.. I have heard that CPR overflows are trouble. I bought my 1200 gph over flow from eshopps they have a great selection with good pricing. I bought my 1200 gph overflow for 59.50 including shipping..
Controversy on fuge or no fuge? I think they're great! I've had 0 nitrates ever since I hooked mine up. And my phosphates went from 5 mg/l to less than .02 mg/l. Plus I have a huge colony of feather dusters just loving it in there. Lot's of coraline algae and millions of pods. All of this from a small 8 gallon fuge.