Overflow Siphon Break ???


Active Member
i just got my eshopps pf800 overflow for my sump and the first thing i do is find a video online of it talking about how the u tube it comes with can fill with bubbles and eventually break the siphon...so im stressed now lol.
i guess that if bubbles get sucked into the u tube then they accumulate and over time form a huge bubble that will break the siphon...is this true or just lame lame video of a guy that doesnt know what hes talking about?


Active Member
It's true.
It happens from insufficient flow rates. What happens is that bubbles occasionally get drawn into the overflow. If the flow isn't fast enough to "flush" those bubbles through the U tube and out the other side, they end up trapped in the tube where they join with other bubbles over time.
If you run your overflow at 70% capacity or more, it shouldn't be a problem.
If it is a problem, it may help you to know that the bubbles accumulate over time. It's not like you start it up, go to the bathroom and come back to find a flood... it usually takes days. I have one on a nano tank in my office at work that does this, and it never happens quickly enough to become a problem in my absence... even over weekends. I generally just have to re-pull the siphon about once every week or two.


Active Member
oh ok thats a huge relief. my overflow is about 800GPH and i know thats dependent on what my return pumps power is...i have a via aqua that pushes 1057 gallons and at 4' it will push approx 600gph not including 2 45 degree elbows and 2 or 3 90 degree elbows which may give it less gph.