overflow startup


Active Member
I just set my tank up outside to make sure everything works and dose not leak all over my floor. My problem is I can not get the overflow box to work. I guess I dont understand the consept. It did not come with instructions. I am not sure of the brand but it dont have the u-tube it is all plastic please help


Active Member
You need an air pump to prime it and keep it going. I wouldn't suggest using one of those continuous siphon types without one.


Active Member
are you talking about basicly using an air pump thats sucks. To suck the air out. Would that not hurt the pump if it got water in it
Would be a good idea to keep the prime though. It is loosing it everytime I turn off the power. oh yeah I forgot say I figured it out
but there was a leak in the baffle out the outside of tank compartment. I sealiconed it to seal it up. It is not fry yet just got to play the waitng game thanks for the info


Originally Posted by prime311
You need an air pump to prime it and keep it going. I wouldn't suggest using one of those continuous siphon types without one.
Prime what are you talking about? You don't need an air pump to prime it. All you need it some small tubing to get a siphon going then after that your all good.


Active Member
how dose it stay syphoning after the power goes out and then comes back on. So far has not worked so well in my case but Still waitng for the baffle to be sealed.


The baffle inside the tank where the water goes into the part that goes over the tank and the discharge of that same compartment have to remain under water. As long as they both remain under water no air can get in and therefore you do not break the syphon. As soon as air gets in, you break the syphon and your overflow will not restart. HTH.


Active Member
You will want to get an aqualifter pump for this style of overflow, cpr style overflows are famous for losing their syphon. The design on these overflows does not allow the water to travel fast enough through the overflow to carry the air bubbles through and they will build up at the top and eventually stop the syphon the aqualifter will pull the air bubbles out and help maintain the syphon . I had problems with mine even with the aqualifter since they are not the most reliable pump either and have since replaced my overflow with a U-tube style overflow.


Active Member
No I have the cpr. So far its working good I turned it off last night to go to bed. Turned in on this morning and it still worked. But I see what you are talking about it odse not pump fast enough to keep air out. So I do forsee a flood in the future. I am thinking about getting another u-tube style. Good thing I set it up outside with tap water. man what a mess I had yesterday


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
Prime what are you talking about? You don't need an air pump to prime it. All you need it some small tubing to get a siphon going then after that your all good.

Natclan answered before I got a chance to. Those continuous siphon overflows always lose siphon so you need to run an air pump on them non stop. They are garbage imo.


Active Member
I see this. Know I am not sure on if I should get the tank drilled or get a utube style. My problem is I looked beforeand could not find anyone to drill the tank. I guess I will have to keep looking hopefully I will find someone.


Active Member
Seeing has how air bubbles do go under the intake baffle in my overflow just to get suck in the middle and eventually loose prime. I put a piece of filter media (basically cut a carbon filter pouch to fit) in the intake. It seem to slow down the flow just enough that the water is higher in the intake and not letting bubbles to form. It has been running all day and no air is in the overflow compartment. Just looking for some input to see if someone tryied this before. I think it will work. But I am using tap water right now. Once it has been setup do you think alge will plug up the filter. Causing an overflow on my tank. Or do you think it will last a bit so I can just change it every few days. And clean out the old one. I will still get the aqualifter the funds are low today after sending the wife and newborn to NC for a week. I am kinda tapped but the sleep I have got is priceless


Active Member
I would be very careful with the filter media as it has the same effect as air building up under the baffle. It will slow the flow rate down as the media plugs up and eventually your pump will start supplying more water than is being drained and it can happen so slowly you may not notice until water is on the floor.


Active Member
Thats about what I was thinking seemed like a good idea. And with tap water works so perfect. But then it has only been running like this for today. I dont think I will build any alge in there. With all the chlorine in my water. Dose anyone know of some half way reliable aqualifter pumps. Or someone in the jacksonville fl area that will drill a hole in my tank.


Active Member
There is only one aqualifter pump that I know of and they are fairly inexpensive (about $10) so I would reccomend ordering two that way you have spare ready when the other fails and they will fail eventually. Another way to do it is with a powerhead or pump that has a venturi on it just run your airline tubing from the hose barb on the overflow to the air intake on the venturi.


Active Member
Well waht do you think about putting A t on the airling that goes to my skimmer with a valve That pump is reliable for the most part. But 10 buck is nothing in this hobby. I just dont know where to get them my lfs kinda suck for anything but live rock. Something 10 buck costs 50 with him.


Active Member
One more question do I need a aqualifter pump for a utube type overflow. There are some utube overflows 800 gph on Sleaze bey for 30 after shipping. If i dont need the pump for that it would be cheaper than buying 10 dollar pumps that will go bad on me. I have have mag 9.5 return at about 750 gph after head.


Active Member
If you run it off of your skimmer it will reduce the amount of air going to your skimmer causing it to not work as good. Try the Drs or the depot for an aqualifter.
You don't need the aqualifter with a U-tube style overflow.


Active Member
I am going to try the t idea I went to the hardware store and picked up the supplies for less thank 5 bucks and the guy there just so happens to have a reef tank. He was intrested in my idea but told me to put a ball valve on it to be able to adjust it so it dont suck to much water and with some adjustments to the air valve on the skimmer it might work. If not I am only out 5 bucks. And I will then buy the utube overflow. I will keep everyone posted