overflow to loud


New Member
is my overflow resivor suposed to be to loud like a garggling noise its bulit in to my tank and goes down to my sump its just to loud like a waterfall but with a sucking gargling noise..theres nothing in it i already looked there just a pipe that comes up and then my water return from my sump .


mine used to do the same thing, i took a thin dishwashign rag(you knwo those super thin green or yellow ones they sell like 5 for $3 at the grocery store) wrapped into a tube shape and stuck in the whole in the sponge prefilter that goes around the pvc. not all the way down tho becuase then you'll overflow the overflow. just enough to silence it. You'll want to make sure you buy a new one and rinse it in clean water first as to not accidently add anythgin toxic to the tank and i clean mine twice a week as it does collect alot.


New Member
Originally Posted by nuro
mine used to do the same thing, i took a thin dishwashign rag(you knwo those super thin green or yellow ones they sell like 5 for $3 at the grocery store) wrapped into a tube shape and stuck in the whole in the sponge prefilter that goes around the pvc. not all the way down tho becuase then you'll overflow the overflow. just enough to silence it. You'll want to make sure you buy a new one and rinse it in clean water first as to not accidently add anythgin toxic to the tank and i clean mine twice a week as it does collect alot.
ok ill do that right no w i have some of those here brand new ones too thanx


Active Member
Put in a stockman standpipe. Will get rid of the gurgling sound and is a lot less likely to clog and cause a flood.


yes, i find this idea much less risky; however, being a newbie, that diagram makes little sense to me


Active Member
It's pretty easy when you do it. Here's what you need:
1" Cap
1" to 1.5" bushing
1.5" Coupling
1" PVC (about 6" long)
Drill 1/4" hole in cap
Grind inside of bushing so it can be placed over PVC(if you look at a bushing this makes more sense)
Drill 2 large holes in PVC about 2" from top
Place bushing on PVC
Place cap on PVC
Place coupling on Bushing
Insert standpipe in overflow
I'm very much a newbie at this stuff too, but once I got the items I needed to make the stockpipe it was very simple to figure out.


ok, i think im starting to catch on, the water flow will be thru the cut away or hole drilled portion of the PVC pipe and the air pressure is maintained via the open but covered portion of the pvc end.. am i close here?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nuro
ok, i think im starting to catch on, the water flow will be thru the cut away or hole drilled portion of the PVC pipe and the air pressure is maintained via the open but covered portion of the pvc end.. am i close here?

Yep. You can add a needle valve at the top as well to help control air flow to find just the right amount to make the least noise. Or in my case I just put some airline tubing down the pipe to help pull air out.


Originally Posted by prime311
Yep. You can add a needle valve at the top as well to help control air flow to find just the right amount to make the least noise. Or in my case I just put some airline tubing down the pipe to help pull air out.
thats a great idea.. it doesnt effect the water flow?


Active Member
As long as the holes in the pipe are big enough to match your overflow rating it shouldn't lower your water flow at all.


Active Member
here is a durso. If these fit in the OF I have found them to more effective than a stockman. Not to say that a stockman won't work........


Active Member
You can also gain some space if you cut down the T and the street elbow. this will gain you some wiggle room w/o hurting anything.....


Active Member
Hi Tim!, you get a new toy? Looks fun!

Either the stockman or durso will do the job. You can set the height in the OF to eliminate the water fall sound by making it long, then cutting small pieces from it to shrten it. You want the water to come into the OF box and just slightly fall.