

Does this look like a good deal?
pro dual overflow box
· brand new in box
· 8"L x 3"W x 10"H
· 1/4" thick acrylic
· two 1" bulkheads, up to 1000 gph
· two u tubes
· filter media
· heavy duty components
· assembly required - step by step 1,2,3
· picture instructions included
· no tools required
· 3 1/2" clearance is needed in back of your tank
· easy cleaning filter media tubes
· will not overflow, even if filter tubes are dirty
· Save Tons of $ $ $ $ $
· we believe honesty is the best policy
· please follow payment instructions carefully
· Paypal, BidPay, Money Order, Cashiers Check
Two 1" marine bulkheads, two u tubes and filter media are included with this auction. Hoses and coffee cup are not included. We are very honest and reasonable people and our reputation is very important. usa_aquarium was formed because a group of experienced aquarists and marketing people knew they could produce at "popular prices," a product as good as the "higher priced " quality name brands. We offer innovative products that have been made to our own higher standards with the finest materials and components. We think you will agree, or we will refund your money, no questions asked. We manufacture all sizes of acrylic overflow boxes, refugiums, sumps, and aquariums.


I know where you saw that and I was thinking of it myself. What stopped me was the guys reviews. Everytime someone had a problem the seller made it seem like it was that persons fault. Calling them stupid children and such. Every feedback that referred to the item being sent back was miraculously DAMAGED enroute, etc.
Overall it sounds like a good deal but if you dont get it in good condition it sounds like that guy will treat you poorly. Check his feedback.


Active Member
That doesn't look like a good deal at all. First of all, the overflow needs to be assembled by you, and it's hard to tell if this design allows for the siphon to be maintained during a power outage (tboth ends of the U tubes need to be submersed after the water stops flowing or the siphon will break; the foam in the photo is blocking the view of the drains).
And I've always thought this sales line of theirs was a wee bit of a strech:
We manufacture all sizes of acrylic overflow boxes, refugiums, sumps, and aquariums.

It should read more like: YOU manufacture all sizes of acrylic overflow boxes, refugiums, sumps, and aquariums.


Ive been using a CPR CS overflow series for almost 2 years and i have never had a problem with them.
some people say that lifereef makes the best overflows...but i would not know.
CPR is a good way to go IMO if you get it make sure to get the aqualifter pump so you dont have to use a venturi powerhead to maintain siphon


Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
Ive been using a CPR CS overflow series for almost 2 years and i have never had a problem with them.
some people say that lifereef makes the best overflows...but i would not know.
CPR is a good way to go IMO if you get it make sure to get the aqualifter pump so you dont have to use a venturi powerhead to maintain siphon

I ran a CPR CS100 for several years without a problem, first using a venturi powerhead, then the Aqualifter pump once it was released.


Active Member
I have a very similiar one if not the exact your describing. No complaints here, it works great, has never lost its siphon, nor does it leak. I had to "assemble" mine and this was very simple. The acyrlic cement bonds the pieces together very easily, with no leaks. Here's my overflow in the top right of picture.


New Member
I just got a cpr like it a lot but were did you get your aqualifer and how much do they cost rigt now I using my powerhead to keep a siphon


New Member
How much noise does the airlifter make? I am lookin' at getting one for my overflow...tired of the venturi powerhead venting all that air into the tank! Just curious...Thx!


I have been using the CPR now for three weeks. With that aqualifter pump sucking out any airbubbles, I can't see how it can possibly fail. It has been perfect so far.


Active Member
I have been using overflows for about 7 years give or take and the U tube designs are superior to the cpr setups. 2 main reasons, one is they dont require a secondary pump to keep the siphon, the U tube (lifereef, or this design posted) do not. The CPR worked okay but the main problem was if a power outtage happens, they can easily lose the siphon and cause an overflow, or if the small pump fails again ur overflow fails. If your tank is automated like mine to replenish water and your gone for an extended period of time you can quickly see the problem and will come home to water cascading down the front of the tank. The U tube design wont, doesnt need any mechanical means to restart or continue working. The only drawback to the U tube is it needs to be roughly matched to the return pump. So of your return pump is 500gph you need to get the apropriate size overflow.


Active Member
forgot to add to quiet down the oveflow itself build a couple standpipes or durso's, makes a world of difference.


It is my understanding that if the CPR overflow is matched to your return pump, it does not REQUIRE the aqualifter to maintain siphon. The aqualifter pump is there to help start the siphon and to keep any airbubbles from building up. I turned off the aqualifter pump and did not lose siphon, I watched it for four hours while I was working on some other things in my system. I will admit however that the lower the flow rate is, the higher the chance could be of losing siphon with the CPR, so in my case, I have a 1200 GPH CPR overflow, and must maintain over 1000 GPH for it to work effectively. The reason for this is that in essence, the CPR is a GIGANTIC TUBE and if you use large U Tubes in the other types of overflows you would have the same problem. If I was CPR, I would change the design by adding acrylic in the siphon area at one inch intervals, which would in effect change it from ONE SINGLE LARGE TUBE 12 inches wide to 12 one inch tubes all parallel to each other in the width of the current design. If you had a model that had a 12 inch width divided by acrylic, creating 12 channels or tubes along the length of the box. I believe that doing that would make it completely reliable with no chance of losing siphon in all 12 channels at one time.
Hell, maybe I should not have posted this and designed one to see if my theory is correct and made myself a million bucks. LMAO