I've looked high and low for any information about an overhead wet/dry! Thought that was funny seeing as how it would be a better alternative for some people, like me.
I bought a three-level 2X4 display shelf and tanks from a LFS and fixed it up really good. Bottom tank is Malawi cichlids, the top is a Rhom pirhana, and of course, the middle I wanted as my saltwater FO.
It's a 4-gal squarish bucket sitting on the top shelf beside the pirhana, one level above the saltwater. A MagDrive 3 pumps water 2 ft up, eventually to drain out the bottom, via bulkhead/ pvc. It's built strong and for reliability. It will never overflow or spill. I also got fancy and put in a plexi-glass window after most my guests wanted to see inside it.
An overflow and sump would be too much money for me right now. It would also be a little tricky to do considering the shelves and panels are cramping it up. I didn't want to drill the glass tank and that would be the only acceptable overflow for me.
But it looks really cool. Anyone with information regarding anything like this? Tell me what you think! I'm going to post pics in a week.
I bought a three-level 2X4 display shelf and tanks from a LFS and fixed it up really good. Bottom tank is Malawi cichlids, the top is a Rhom pirhana, and of course, the middle I wanted as my saltwater FO.
It's a 4-gal squarish bucket sitting on the top shelf beside the pirhana, one level above the saltwater. A MagDrive 3 pumps water 2 ft up, eventually to drain out the bottom, via bulkhead/ pvc. It's built strong and for reliability. It will never overflow or spill. I also got fancy and put in a plexi-glass window after most my guests wanted to see inside it.
An overflow and sump would be too much money for me right now. It would also be a little tricky to do considering the shelves and panels are cramping it up. I didn't want to drill the glass tank and that would be the only acceptable overflow for me.
But it looks really cool. Anyone with information regarding anything like this? Tell me what you think! I'm going to post pics in a week.