

I got my live rock in my tank now, but was wondering if my powerheads were close enough to the top of the tank to get oxygen in it. How far from the surface should my powerheads be to oxygenize the water? Does the water get oxygen when it circulates to the top of the tank? So if I have 4 powerheads and the 404 working like one- carrying the water from one side of the tank to the other- I should be good on oxygen?


If at least one ph is breaking the water on top then you are getting oxygen.Plus you're breaking up the layer of film we usually get.Whatever you do, do NOT get an airstone as it will only create a saltcreep problem.
Good Luck.


Active Member
As Katara said, one will do the trick. You're also getting some help from your Prizm return as well. The water moving at the surface is what get's your oxygen in solution.