

Hey all
Just suddenly thought when i was looking at my flame scallop possible to get oysters to put into a tank?
Is there any info out there about them at all?
Just curious.


Active Member
Hmmm, good question. I know where we used to live in London, you could get your hands on live oysters. But, that was from a grocer, not an LFS, haha.
Maybe they still have something like that near you. If so, go buy a couple and see what happens. It's got to be cheaper than an LFS. I would definitely be curious about the success. :cool:


I have hear of spiny oysters that can be put into a reef tank.


I've had an oyster living in my tabk since day one,almost a year.It came attached to a small piece of live rock.I did not even notice it until my blennie made his home in the same rock.Each time he swims into the rock I could see it move.I thought the rock was loose or something until I examed it closer and saw it was actually an oyster!It is a filter feeder,so I imagine it is getting enough to eat from my system to still be alive.In fact the shell is so covered in coraline and yellow polyps it just looks like a rock.