Ozone Readings


I have been using a red sea ozonator hooked up to a neptune aquacontroller 2 unit and it has been working very well to regulate the ORP of the tank. Recently however my ozonator has not had to run for the past few days as the ORP stayed between 350 and 385 which are the lower and upper bounds I set the controller to. When I look at the graphs of ORP over time of the day it does go up when the lights turn off and down when the lights turn back on, but it hasn't dropped below about 360 or so for quite some time. Is this fairly typical in a well established system? There is not much bio-load in the system either, I only have a medium sized French Angel, Chevron Tang, and a tiny Dog face puffer in a 300 gal tank with 90g sump and 30g Refuge. Before this past week my ozonator would kick in generally 1-2 times per day to keep ORP in the defined range (listed above). Thanks for any thoughts!


I think it is normal as it is the same for my 150g. but I have more fish than yours. mine will come on if I feed my fish more that day. and I keep mine around 350 or so. I notice a day or 2 after I change my water. It does change too much. When it drops alot in a day, then I know it is about time for me to change water.