Ozone Setup/ how to


Ok So I have setup an Ozone Machine... I got it for water cleaning and to help deal wih algae and disease control.
this is how i set it up:
I have the aquazone Plus 200 (overkill, and incase i get a larger tank), a red sea berlin skimmer rater for 300 gallons in the sump. so i have an air pump hooked up to the ozone machine that pumps through it and into the skimmer air line valve, I had to turn down the air valve going into the skimmer cause it was forcing tomuch air into the skimmer. then the skimmer out puts flow into a box that has a bag of activated carbon then a layer of filter pad then a layer of activated carbon the another layer of filter pad then it drips down into the rest of the sump. in the sump I have 2 microbubblers that are 6 inches , i did this cause they said that you needed to have an areation chamber after going through the skimmer in the instructions, i was unsure what this meant and culd not find areation chambers for sale anywhere. and currently i have another bag of carbon on top of the skimmer where the air flows through. currently i have the dosing set at 70. to reach 370.
these are my questions:
1. My probe from the start read 345. this would indicate that my levels were all ready where they needed to be. however i was thinking this could be cause of the micro bubble makers/sticks that i have in my sump near the probe.....? do i need to get a areation chamber or is what i got going to be enough ?
2. do they make a carbon filter that fits on top of the skimmer so i dont have a bag of it laying on top? or do i need to go and purchase some pvc or acylic tube/pipe to make a nice cup filter?
3. as far as an air dryer goes ... is having a bag of dissacate/silicate(whatever that stuff is) over the air input to the air pump good enough or do i need to get one ? if so what is a good brand/maker? or how are people making there own?
4. does anyone have an suggestions?