Ozone users


New Member
could someone please explain how ozonizers work and what are the benifits? i heard that they are very good at getting rid of parasites on fish like ick. is this true and how would you use it? would you recomend it? do you have one working? ive had a achillies tang that has ick in my 125 and should have put him in a QT but he looked very health and now i cant get him out and was wondering if the o3 would help.:mad: :help:


I have an ozonizer, and I have used it on occation. Sometimes up to a month even.
Instead of telling you about them, I'm going to make you this statment.
If your fish has Ick now then use the QT and hyposalinity.
The aim when using the UV or Ozonizer is water clearity, or simple health of the system, they are not cures for ick. If they truley were then we would all have them and none of us would have ick.

tony detroit

Active Member
I do believe in theory they will help with ick control in freeswimming stages, but as thomas stated they will not do anything for ich on your fish.