pacific blue tang


New Member
yesterday am fish was out and about. mid morning behind corral. lunch I looked for it. it was stuck straight down behind glass and rock. I went and moved 4 rocks and it was free. it went to other location to rest, maybe tired and stressed.this am still there.trying to hide nose. still laying on bottom pushing in corner. what is needed to help fish??


Active Member
Originally Posted by arcade_maniac
yesterday am fish was out and about. mid morning behind corral. lunch I looked for it. it was stuck straight down behind glass and rock. I went and moved 4 rocks and it was free. it went to other location to rest, maybe tired and stressed.this am still there.trying to hide nose. still laying on bottom pushing in corner. what is needed to help fish??
qt. tank. hjow big a tsnk is he in.?


New Member
a pacific blue! gills are moving ,normal speed. not wanting to eat, no physical change on either side. just keeps trying to get deeper into rock to hide. not the normal.for this time of day his eyes move at my getting closer to tank. all other fiesh doing great


Active Member
Cant say for sure...... but they can be pretty skidish, scare and hide really easy at times, something, maybe you, doing something scared it. It may have been stuck or just playing dead and you thought it was stuck, IDK.
Just try to stay back away from the tank for a while and see if it relaxes and goes back to acting normal.
I have had mine for over 5 years and it still hides sometimes when I approach the tank.


New Member
sorry to say people , but she did not make the day. it was sad at our tank. all others are very well. there was no sign of sickness or beatings from others. she was 5.75'' long thanks for help D