painting a stand


hey my dad tells me you shouldn't paint when there is too much moisture in the air because it will create bubbles. Is this true? I want to paint my stand today--I'll be indoors in the garage so I don't understand why he would say this. Let me know, thanks in advance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bmkj02
especially in the garage there is a lot of moisture. It will cause bubbles. Take it outside.
He is right, but this type of issue usually only applies when you are painting something that has been exposed to moisture recently... the outside of a house for instance.
Usually if the materials have been indoors and out of the rain for some time, the moisture content will be okay.
Woodworkers and painters will often use a moisture meter to allow them to finish when the moisture content is just right, but since it doesn't pay to buy one for one project, best guess is probably all you can do. If the materials have been indoors for some time and not exposed to the elements, I'd say you can go for it relatively safely.