Painting canopy


I'm about to start on my canopy, and was wondering what kind of paint I should use to paint the inside (latex, enamel, acrilic???)

don berry

Are you looking to stain the wood and polyurethane it or are you wanting to just paint it? If you are going with paint I would get a good acrylic enamel. If you don't get an enamel you will have problems with the moisture destroying the paint. It will end up being a semi-gloss or gloss sheen though. You won't find any enamels in a lower sheen than that though. Make sure you use a good acrylic primer first. You will get a much nice even finish. If you don't you may have flashing. I'd stain it and polyurethane it if at all possible. I think it would look pretty nice if it's some decent wood.


How about buying a reflective aluminum sheet at home depot for about $8? This will increase amount of light going to your tank. Just a suggestion. ;)


I use mylar loosly fit with a fan the air movement makes the mylar move reflecting sparkles in the water that can be seen on the walls and the floor, very cool in my opinion. The same effect MH lights give you.