pajama cardinal


I would like to add a pajama cardinal to my 44 gal. My LFS says they are schooling fish and will not do well unless I have a minimum of 3 of them. Is this true? I'm concerned about overstocking my tank. Currently, I have only one yellowtail blue damsel, one flame angel and one true percula but I want to eventually add a lawnmower blenny and one green mandarin in addition to the pajama cardinal. 6 or 7 fish total was what I had planned. 9 may be too many. Any advice?


Active Member
I've seen tanks where there was only one pajama cardinal. It was a smaller tank though. I think it would be fine but I would wait for some more advice.


I have 3 pg cardinals in my 75 gallon now. They were the first fish I added, and like y ou, I read they were schooling fish, which they are. However, two of mine have formed a bond and pick on the third one so I am considering giving him back to the fish store.
PJ's are also ver very timid fish who do not stick up for themselves. They are easily picked on by more aggressive fish and are the last to get their food. They would actually do well in a seahorse tank. I feed my cardinals at night when the other fish are sleeping and they are FINALLY out from behind the rockwork (where they hide all day).
They are definitely nocturnal creatures. You might want to consider one of the other cardnals instead such as the Kauderns (Bangaii) instead. They are fine alone, stay high in the water column and have a little more spunk to them. I would really not recommend gettnig only one PJ as he will be so shy he may never come out.


Active Member
they are a schooling fish if u get 6 or more, if u just get three the dominate fish will bully the less dominate fish until it dies then it'll pick on the next cardinal until ur just left with one. I started off with 4 cardinal "pajama" fish now i only have one and he has been fine by himself for 3 1/2 yrs
i would suggest getting one you dont have the room for more


I reiterate I would NOT get one PJ cardinal. Your damsel will go after it every time it tries to stick its head out and it will hide all the time. Get another fish that stays up in the water column and can defend itself. The PJ will not. and it cannot compete for food with the others in that size tank. A psuedocromis might be a better choice for you or the aforementioned Kauderns C.


Thanks everyone for your advice!
I will look into the two other choices given. The last thing I want is to do is add fish that will be stressed and bullied.