Pajama Cardinals = Ugliest Fish Alive?


Is it just me, or are Pajama Cardinals just the ugliest fish you've ever seen??? Every time I visit a LFS and see them, they just look so horrible. They have no personality, they just hover in the water, and they look so funny, like they should've been twice as long, but God (or whoever created them!) had something come up when he was making them, and just threw their tail on halfway down their body! Does anyone else agree?



Active Member

Originally Posted by rainmkr07
Is it just me, or are Pajama Cardinals just the ugliest fish you've ever seen??? Every time I visit a LFS and see them, they just look so horrible. They have no personality, they just hover in the water, and they look so funny, like they should've been twice as long, but God (or whoever created them!) had something come up when he was making them, and just threw their tail on halfway down their body! Does anyone else agree?



Active Member
Their not just ugly, it's the kinda of ugly that gets into your head and goofs with your brain.....They creep me out....


Active Member
There are definitely uglier fish out there, but the PJ Card isn't exactly winning any beauty pageants by my call.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rainmkr07
They have no personality, they just hover in the water.
That's how Cardinalfish are.
As mentioned, there are a lot of ugly fish out there, and Pajamas towards the top of that list. I prefer the Bangaii personally.


Just out of curiousity, and for the pure morbid fun of it, can you all post pictures of these saltwater fish you think are even uglier than a pajama cardinal?


i love my pj cardinal, he does have a personality too, definitly not a big one, but still a personality. If you think pj cardinals are the most ugliest fish ever then i dont think you have seen a bicolor goatfish, all frogfish, most hamlets, most squirrelfish, on top of many others (most anglerfish). Check these out and tell me if you still feel the same. At least the pj cardinal has poke-a-dots, if nothing else.


Active Member
What is the official name of the orange bigeye fish?
For reference, since I can't find a picture, it looks like an angry goldfish that you would find in a Mario game.. Hope that helps.
Anyways, those would be in my top ten ugly fishies list, but I lov'em because of it.
Too bad I don't know a thing about them


Originally Posted by rainmkr07
Is it just me, or are Pajama Cardinals just the ugliest fish you've ever seen??? Every time I visit a LFS and see them, they just look so horrible. They have no personality, they just hover in the water, and they look so funny, like they should've been twice as long, but God (or whoever created them!) had something come up when he was making them, and just threw their tail on halfway down their body! Does anyone else agree?

look close they look like 3 different fish put together!!!!


I don't no.... They are kinda ugly but look nice in a saltwater tank with other colorful fish if you have a big tank. I also think they look better when they are in a group
. but that is just my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rainmkr07
Just out of curiousity, and for the pure morbid fun of it, can you all post pictures of these saltwater fish you think are even uglier than a pajama cardinal?
Oldie but a goodie


what size aquarium does that catshark need? i think i might be upgrading :p


I love my pajama cardinal, too! And mine follows me and has a very calming effect. I see nothing wrong with that. I don't really feel that starting a thread like this is for any other purpose but to start arguments and to show your age because usually young people think it's funny to put something down. You know darn well that many people on here must have them and since they do must have wanted them, like me, so what would compel you to say this??? Ever heard 'If you can't say something nice, then don't say nothing at all.' Or maybe you've never seen!