Pakistan Butterfly


I have a small pakistan butterfly that is currently in QT. It came down with a slight case of ick. It was eating great. Started hypo. It stopped eating with gusto shows no interest in food that it ate 2 days before. Tank is 29 gallon. Water parameters are good. In the tank also is a small majestic and it is eating great. Could the hypo treatment cause a lack of interest in food or could it be a secondary infection that must be treated?


Staff member
Butterfly's are pretty delicate fish, and, keep in mind that they have eating habbits that are particular to them. Was the fish in a tank with LR? How does the fish look otherwise?
Are you using a butterfly feeding grid? If not, you might try doing this.


There is some live rock in the quarantine tank. It was eating brine shrimp and clam a couple days ago that was suspended in the water. I see it picking at the rocks but not often. I retested the PH, etc everything is good. The fish looks good. The only thing I notice is that it seems to look like it is yawning. It keeps opening its mouth very wide. Maybe it is just scared because of all the small water changes that were done?


How long have you had it and where did you get it from? - my brother got one from Flying fish and it was in my quarantine tank. The first one was eating but died mysteriously after 8 days. They replaced it for free. The second one came down with ick and was yawning, acting eradically. They both definitely had some kind of intestinal nematodes. I kept it alive for 4 weeks until it died as well. My first and only fish losses. Flying Fish express now puts them on their restricted list.
My LFS can get them in on special order but they don't stock them because they don't ship well and are tough to acclimate.


I have had the fish for 8 days now.I did not mix the water for 24 hours I know I should have but had other water changes that I had to do. It started to go down hill after the water changes over the 2 day period. I used Prime to mix the tap water I usually use RO water.The ammonia is 0 and the nitrites are 0 tested last night. I had a Naso tang a couple years ago that did the same thing. Ate well then stopped eating and showed the same yawning type behavior. Died a week later. Thanks