Palani Tang


Active Member
IMO 200gls. or larger if you want it for a while but still have to upgrade cause they get 20 inches.t


Thanks Dogstar that rules that one out. Any recomendations for a 120g? I was thinking purple and kole then, or purple and atlantic blue. Or maybe just the purple if tank not big enough for 2 tangs. Thanks again for the reply.


Active Member
I think in a 120g. you can have all three of those. I love Kole tangs. I named mine Goofy cause he is. Plus I like my Purple and Blue tooooooo. :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Hey thanks for the info Dogstar. I am wondering if you are talking about the blue hippo or the atlantic blue? I am not real fond of the hippos. (gasp) Someone will flame me for that I'm sure.


Active Member
Your right I didnt see your talking about the Atlantic... :sleepy: ...I was talking Pacific. A book I have says IMO the Atlantic will be cool. I think it will look blaaa next to a purple but I honestly have never seen one alive. ( or dead, haha ) Are they rare ?


I think they are kinda rare, I have only seen one at any of the LFS here in Denver. I think they aren't collected as much, maybe less demand. I like the juvy form and watch it change to the adult blue. The Kole I really like is being offered right now on this site, the Blue Spotted Kole. Love the look of him, may get one if I get QT set up soon. Thanks again for the info.