Pale Clown


New Member
One of the clowns (own a pair) has started behaving very differently.
The two clowns got on well together - they were introduced to the tank at the same time about 9 months ago, last month they started to chase, lock mouths, twitch at each other.
One of the clowns would hide in the pirate ship (where the gobi lives) but still chase off the other one constantly - the gobi even backed it up in the fight. I introduced another hiding cave for them and now the clown lives there (mostly at the roof but usually vertical, mouth towards the ground, they have stopped fighting, still an occaisional twitch from the dominant one.
Starting to be worried about the one that hides as it is getting very pale and I don't see it eating. No white spots just pale all over - prob due to lack of light but anything ideas as to what is going on with them. I thought the larger but submissive one was the female going in to nesting mode however the smaller one is the one that looks to win the fights.
Photo - pale one out of hiding, clown that seems happy in the cave


Looks stressed... plus the lack of food will make his colors fade. I'd feed well for one day(make sure the dominant one is full so that the pale one can eat without being picked on), then turn the lights off for a couple days. Leaving the lights off takes a lot of stress off a fish.
One of my clowns was fine like you mentioned, then he started getting picked on, and turned pale. But he was always eating. I just left the lights off for a day, then shortened the lighting schedule. he's doing fine now!