Paly questions

angler man

Awhile ago I received a frag pack of zoo's, paly's and acans. Everything did great except a small frag which was knocked into the substrate by my cleaning crew. So, the frag has not opened up for about 3 weeks, and I put it into my sump so the crew doesn't exacerbate the issue.
A few of the polyps started to get a chalky white color to them so I decided to try to clean them with a ultra soft bristle brush. Upon cleaning a polyp came off it's fleshy base and a worm came out of the polyp head. I then performed a FW dip and to my surprise four more worms came out.
Here's my questions
Were my Paly's simply dying and the worms were just snacking on a decomposing food source or did these worms cause my Paly's to die.
Why would this happen to only one frag in my tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hypertek99
Sounds like it was on it's way out and the worms were eating the decomposed.
palys need alot of flow so maybe putting it in your sump hurt it more than helped it

I have also had corals get all 'bent out of shape' for lack of better terminology... but they all recovered. That white stuff was probably dead tissue.. maybe even like underwater mold (it happens). usually something like that occurs when the polyp has detritus on it or cant get clean of sediment that falls on it. Zoos/palys are very sensitive to that. Thats why I always keep good flow on mine. Only time I had a problem was with less flow.. and you could see the decline in the corals condition!
Good Luck in the future... it could have been completely out of your hands too..