Panther Grouper


Active Member
I want to get a grouper. But I've been reading about him. And they said they would eat anything they could get in there mouth. Anyone had any experience with them. How quick do they get big? And how big of a fish will they eat?


these fish get absolutely enormous when compared to most residential aquariums. if properly fed, it should reach over a foot in under a year. maximum size in the wild is 28".


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I want to get a grouper. But I've been reading about him. And they said they would eat anything they could get in there mouth. Anyone had any experience with them. How quick do they get big? And how big of a fish will they eat?
I have one that will be going back (as planned) in a few months. I bought him at 1.5 inches and 4 months later he is at 4 inches. Great fish though. They eat like pigs and gobble any and all cleaning crew.


Active Member
I really don't have any plans of getting inverts to clean other than snails and some larger hermits because I already have a lunar wrasse. But I'm wondering if my lawnmower and coral beauty would be safe. Have yall had any success at curbing there live food appitite? If I feed him all frozen food?


Active Member
Blennys and small Angels would certainly be prey.
If you're planning on keeping this fish thru adulthood, which hopefully you have cause there's not too many LFS that will take in a 20"+ fish that no one will want, you're gonna be hard pressed to find suitable tankmates that wont be eaten.
Imagine a fish with a mouth that can open larger than a softball and will need a 300gal.+ tank.
Grouper are not a fish that are hard to get onto frozen foods. They'll readily eat anything that they're given.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Blennys and small Angels would certainly be prey.
If you're planning on keeping this fish thru adulthood, which hopefully you have cause there's not too many LFS that will take in a 20"+ fish that no one will want, you're gonna be hard pressed to find suitable tankmates that wont be eaten.
Imagine a fish with a mouth that can open larger than a softball and will need a 300gal.+ tank.
Grouper are not a fish that are hard to get onto frozen foods. They'll readily eat anything that they're given.
Mine eats anything. Usuall frozen mysis. There is no hermit crab big enough to avoid death. He ate one of mine that was as big as a peach. He is in with other similar sized fish for the time being. Huma Huma, Puffer, scopas and coral beauty.

tanks alot

i have one that i got not knowing how big they got so as soon as he gets a little bigger he is gone mine is 3" and he's with a 4inch lunare wrasse and 2 russels lionfish, or i will get rid of him if anybody wants him


Active Member
Dang I like my coral beauty. and my lawnmower. The reason I said frozen food is that I was talking to a guy at the not so local fs. (my only store is 80 miles round trip) He said that yeah you should be able to get him on frozen good and it will wipe out alot of his agressive tendencies. I was wondering if anyone had noticed that. What I really don't want is to end up having a grouper and just a grouper in th tank. I have enough ciclid tanks with just one fish. bla.


Active Member
How much room would you need for two or 3 20+ inch fish. I have a 180 gallon. But don't you think that would be stretching it. Especially with a puffer (I want another one too) that can get as big as a mini football and a mean ol lunar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
other large groupers if you have the tank to handle them like a miniatus or even bigger a louti
I just saw some pics of a louti and they look awesome. Now I'm tempted to go a totally different direction in my tank. hmmmm That, a panther and a large angel with a couple of puffers... That would be cool. I wonder if my tank is big enough.


Active Member
Not with a 180gal, it's not.
I'm setting up a 320 for a friend, at his fish store...he calls me when he wants plumbing done, big tanks set up or my advice/experiance with large predator fish (he's a reef guy).
We did all the plumbing today and put in a 3" black sand bed.
I'm going with a Louti Grouper, adult Orange Should Tang (which he already has), adult Purple Tang (which he already has), he wants a Whitespotted Bamboo (which I'm trying to talk him out of) and we're still deciding on the other inhabitants.


Active Member
For something like that you'd prolly need atleast a 300 or so. But it would be cool. And unique. Owell something to lust after I guess. Groups safe with rays?


Active Member
not to say it should be done but the guy i am doing an addition for had a golden puffer, some typwe of large angel (majestic i think), and a spanish hog in a 90 for 8 years until the hog bit the heater cord and fried everything but the puffer so multiple large might not be out of question but groupers add a level of aggression that requirers larger than normal tanks. imagine a 1-2 foot fish darting like a rocket across a tank for food can you say garfield in a car window