Panther Grouper


who on here has had one and how fast do they grow from about 3" i know the get to be real big we have a empty 75 gal and may be puting it up in a few months
and i just love the looks of the Panther Grouper but not knowing how fast they grow
and how long i could keep it


1 and a half years tops before you'll need to up grade or get rid of it they get about 30 inch and their messy feater plus they eat every thing they can fit in there mouth i woul'd get one for the size of tank you should look into a v-tail grpr, specil fin, marine betta, blue spotted they'll fit in that tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by Whitebird
who on here has had one and how fast do they grow from about 3" i know the get to be real big we have a empty 75 gal and may be puting it up in a few months
and i just love the looks of the Panther Grouper but not knowing how fast they grow
and how long i could keep it
They sure are cute when they're small; but, IMO, sort of ugly as they get bigger...their head doesn't seem to grow with the rest of the fish. They're probably the fastest growing fish I've ever kept and will outgrow a 75 in no time.


Active Member
i had one for a about 4- 5 yrs he was aprox 13 inches when he passed was about 6 inches when i got him and fed my tanks 2-3 times per day he was kept in a 125.


hey thanks for the info i think i will pass on them now and not going give up my new 125 for one as i just moved everything from the 75 to the 125 last week so when i get around to setting up the 75 for a aggressive i'll be looking for some other types to put in it
thanks again


Originally Posted by draconis321
1 and a half years tops before you'll need to up grade or get rid of it they get about 30 inch and their messy feater plus they eat every thing they can fit in there mouth i woul'd get one for the size of tank you should look into a v-tail grpr, specil fin, marine betta, blue spotted they'll fit in that tank
i have 1 hate him
not a messy eater he pounds minows like there i have moved 2 bigger minnows like 6" than he cant hog it .ive seen him try it so funny.he spits it out waitin for the triggs 2 shread it