Panther Grouper


New Member
All of the sudden my Panther Grouper has been acting crazy. He will hide somewhere and then just dart all over the tank. He will go to the top and put his tail near the top of the water and just splash and take off and hide. He is splashing about every 10 mins. I have had him over a year and this is the first time he has done this. Is this normal or has anyone had theirs do this?


what are your water parameters? i had a grouper do this after a year and it was caused by a parasite, not saying you have this but take a good look and make sure nothing is on the skin of the fish.
get back to us with the test and maybe we can help a little better.


New Member
I tested all the levels in the tank and there are where they are suppose to be. I looked at the fish long and hard and don't see anything on him. I put the feeder fish in the tank, he goes after them then all of the sudden turns and goes and hides.


dont feed him freshwater feeders. they are bad for him. chunks of shrimp or scalups or whitefish from your grocery store are much healthier.
Good Luck, panthers are SWEET.