Panther Groupers


I was just wondering if anyone had successfully kept one of these in a reef tank? Also can you keep more than one in the same tank? Do they eat snails or just shrimp? What about crabs? How small can you get them?


They will eat what ever fits in their mouth. They get very big and should be in a aggresive tank only. They should be in a large tank because they grow very fast. Awsome looking fish. Very cool to watch it eat but limits what you can put with it.


I have my baby panther in my 80 gal semi-reef. He is fine with everyone. He has doubled in size in about 2 months. He seems to be happy for now until I move him into the 180. Panthers have small mouths for the grouper family and are a little easier to house with other fish. I feed mine everyday with the others but he like a little larger food such as small pieces of krill. The only problem besides the waste they produce will be they could in the future eat shrimp in the aquarium with them. Besides that one of my favorite fish and awsome personalities.


A Panther Grouper is not an appropriate choice for a reef aquarium. They will eat a lot of inverts.
While their colors are nice when they are younger, it will dull greatly when they get larger. Just FYI.