paracite disaster


I recently had a paracite kill 3 of my 4 fish. I had a clown, coral beauty and a damsil killed. After i noticed weird behavior of the coral beauity i went to the local pet store and they informed me that i had a parasite problem and they sold me a product called herbtana to take care of the parasite. Keep in mind i had one damsil survive completly uneffected and a peppermint shrimp the same. I have been adding in this product for 5 out of the 10 day suggested period. When would it be safe to start acclimitating new fish into the tank?


Active Member
Herbtana...after some an herbal immune enhancing stimulant said to reduce; skin flukes(gyrodactylus), gill flukes (Dactylogyrus), Ich(ichthyophthirius multifillis), oodinum, costia (ichthyobodonecater), chilonella and trichodina.


They were very pale (loss of color) and their skin gills began to deteriorate slightly. When dead it appeared that there was a white film over one of fishs eyes.