

I'm day 3 into cycling my tank and I have already gotten a mantis shrimp out of my tank. This morning I placed my store brought shimp to kick off my cycle and tonight after I put the moonlights on I noticed all these critters chomping on the shrimp. Could they be baby Mantis'? I feel so paranoid kinda like when you see a spider in your room you wonder if there are many more hiding. I wonder what else is in my LR that's bad and could my Mantis have spawned babies. Make's me want to buy a damsel as my first fish after the cycle to see if it is a target. Sounds cruel, but I don't want to risk loosing an expensize fish or my daughters Nemo to a Mantis. Anyone else cycling that has experienced this? What could those other critters be, it's hard to tell if they are Mantis shrimp cause they are smaller than the one that came out the other day.