Parasite? ID please


Need an ID for this, and a recommendation on how to deal with it, if possible. I've tried to take a pic of it, but the "arms" are so thin they don't appear in the picture.
It's a bunch of very thin (less than 1/4 of a millimeter), long (several inches), hair-algae-like fibers that radiate from holes in my live rock. They have alternating bands of bright green and almost black around the arms. I've pulled a few of them out, but I can't find the center or even figure out if they're all connected. Also, they seem to move proactively when I touch them. They'll withdraw back in their hole and then reappear in a few minutes. At first they were only on one rock, but now they're on every one, and starting to appear on the substrate. They don't seem to be bothering any of my tank inhabitants, but I don't really like them there.
Thanks for any help you can give me.


Sounds like a Spagetti Worm. They are not bad and are good for clean up. Some people don't like the way they look, but they will not harm anything. I probably got about a dozen or more in my 24 gallon.
Check out this link to the hitchhiker's thread. Does it look like the Spagetti worms in this thread?


yup, that's what it is, thanks a bunch! but if I don't want that many of them, how do i get rid of some of them?


Active Member
Cut down on y our feeding. If there is not enough food, they will die off. But you may miss them :) If you do not cut down on your feeding, then you will keep getting them. They are actually highly desirable and I would consider sharing them, say, with a local reef club if you have one around.
But first and foremost, address the feeding and or stocking and or maintenance of the tank.