My copperband has developed some sort of parasite on his tail. I don't have a pic so I'll describe.
It started off small and white, and has now grown into a pencil tip sized "fuzz ball." At first I thought it might be ick, but it hasn't spread on the fish, it's just in that one spot. The best way to describe it is a "q-tip sponge looking thing." The Copperband is eating just fine and moving around all the time. What could it be?
It started off small and white, and has now grown into a pencil tip sized "fuzz ball." At first I thought it might be ick, but it hasn't spread on the fish, it's just in that one spot. The best way to describe it is a "q-tip sponge looking thing." The Copperband is eating just fine and moving around all the time. What could it be?