parasite or bacteria


Active Member
my bluespot goby had a white eye last week and now he both are white(he's in qt) and his skin, or scales kinda look like sandpaper or something, right behind his head. What could it be. How should i treat it. I have tetracycline i have been treating him with.


Staff member
How long have you had this fish? Has he been eating well? Swimming and acting normally?
Can you post a pic?


Active Member
i've had him around a month or more he eats like a pig, swimming good, acting fine, he just has whitish clear coated eyes and a little irritation on his back before his dorsal fin. I will Try and post a pic.


Active Member
well i started hypo today with the foxface and the goby so we'll see what happen's, is there anything else i could do or would that be the best treatment. should i keep up with the tetracycline.


Staff member
Lets just see what results the hypo has on the situation. In the meantime, see if you can find a lfs that has Maracyn Two for Saltwater fish. You many need to do an antibotic treatment if the hypo does not address the cloudy eyes.


Active Member
so would you suggest not using tetracycline anymore, also i have maroxy if thats the helps


Active Member
I will order some maracyn-2, i have read about maroxy isn't really for bacterial infections more for fungus, and it doesnt sound like it helps on this board. Should i continue with tetra.


Staff member
So you don't have the maracyn2? If you are going to order meds, you might want to get the M2 as well as Furacyn. These 2 antibiotics are the most commonly effective...thus, if one is not working, the other hopefully will. But don't use both together.


Active Member
were i am ordering from i cant find furacyn, there is furanase, and furan-2. so what about tetracycline keep it up until i get the others. after i get the others do i need to run carbon to get the tetra. out.