Parasite/'s safe? please help


it look white in shape of " 8 " all over my glass trillion of them :scared:. It just happen today for the first time, by the way its FOWLR

after research i found out its pods, i'm suprise that my tank have fish only with no live rock [will buy in the future] but now i have trillion of them in my tank. Anyone know how did it happen? and what fish should i buy to keep them under control?


yes i have live sand and fake corals, please give me some advise on fish to keep the pods under control. By the way they look white and tiny like salt clean all the tank algae in one day, i just want to make sure is pods.
sorry for my grammar


are they hard and stuck to the glass look like little white coils? might not be pods - might be spiroloid worms (spelling?) --- i have hundreds on back of my tank - harmless filter feeders.


Originally Posted by vt4lifecuf
yeah they all over the glass plus jumping around also its not coils though but it look like number 8.
nevermind - the worms dont jump they jus stick there - yea they are pods - almost all fish you put in there will snack on them i woudlnt worry about cntrolling the population.


New Member
I have hundreds of poda in a 10 gallon tank. My husband thinks they are taking over. Some are getting quite big. They are FAST !!!! We do have live rock and they are too fast for the shrimp to catch. The Chromis, snails, etc could care less about them. We have a microalgae plant in the tank and find them hanging on it in the morning. How many are too many?


phew i feel more better now, thanks alot guy. What fish should i get? because i notice my tang and other fishes only eat what i feed them