parasite problem


New Member
I have a 12 gal. nano cube reef tank. The ph and sg levels are perfect as well as the water circulation. Here is my problem a couple of days ago I noticed tiny white parasite looking things crawling around on the live sand and on the tank glass and also floating around. My purple pseudo fish just died before I noticed any of these little pests. It died because of shock since I didnt acclimate it correctly. I have a mushroom coral that is thriving, a feather duster that is fine, a bunch of snails and hermit crabs that are doing great and a coral banded shrimp that is 3 times its size since I bought him, so he is good. Can you please help and tell me what it is I possibly have in my tank and if they are hazardous for my current and future inhabitants. Thanks.


Staff member
Hello, pepi. Actually we really don't know that these are parasites at this time. Can you describe what you are seeing in more detail. Size, color, are they translucent? Flat? How big?
Do you have Live Rock in your tank?


New Member
Hi Beth, they are about the size of a grain of sand from the beach. They are white and not transparent. I cant tell if they are flat. I do have Live Rock in my tank as well as caulerpa. There seems to be less now than when I first noticed them but I'm still perplexed as to what they are. Thanks for replying.


Staff member
Take a look at the Diseased Fish Thread a the top of this forum and look at the fish in there with ich. Is that your problem? If so, head on over to the FAQ Thread and read the post on ich.


New Member
No Beth none of my fish have ICH. But the little white bugs or whatever they are seem to be gone now. I dont know how but there practically are no more in my tank. Thanks for trying to help out though. Now I'm just trying to find a couple of percula clowns to put in my tank but my pet shop keeps selling out as soon as they come in. Anyway thanks again for your help.