Black and white are ocellaris, I don't know what the success rate is when crossing species. If your are looking for unusual pairing you could think about another perc. I have an onyx (perc) that is quite sweet looking. I'd research mixing species before pairing them up. I was going to pair my onyx with a black and white ocellaris but decided against it. I am getting another onyx and removing the black and white ocellaris. I am more interested in creating viable fry eventaully.
All black and white are ocellaris.
False percs are ocellaris.
only true percula, onyx, snowflake, wild caught or captive bred are percs.
I know it can be confusing, I think that these are named strangely just to confuse us more. lol
Here are mine the black and white ocellaris and onyx perc that are soon to be separated. A good way to tell true and false percula's apart is the eyes. In true percs the eye is very bright orange (you can see in mine) in false or ocellaris the eyes are darker with no definable bright ornage.
If you have a true perc and you paired it with an ocellaris I am not sure if the offspring would be viable. If I am wrong I hope someone will correct me. I'd stay with a perc. In the photo I posted is my onyx (perc) it is still a juvinelle and is just starting to get it's 3rd stripe, it will get more black on it's body, an onyx is something you could consider, it would give you that different look and still be the same species.
in my lowly opinion I would stay within the species. You should pair it with a perc. Some of the fancier ones comand mucho $$. You could try and pair it with an ocellaris but I would not, your call. I wish you luck