Parrotfish in aggresive?


Does anyone think it is a bad idea to get a parrotfish with a niger trigger and eventually a greenwolf eel, volitan lion, emperor angel, and a grouper?


Active Member
Parrotfish can be difficult to keep. Just make sure you have A LOT of live rock for them to graze on, and help the algae growth in the tank because that is a main portion of what they feed on.
**EDIT** (meant to say they can be difficult to keep)


Active Member
I think the tank will be cramped with one. IMO it is close to pushing it in terms of number of fish.
Parrotfish get very large, and their diet, as mentioned, is TOTALLY different than other aggressive fish. Many aquaria make feeding blocks for them basically with plaster, algae sheets/wafers so that they can grind on things and still get algae. They do, by nature, basically take bites out of coral/rock.
IMO, it is not a good combination.