

I have a 3 inch Stoplight Parrot that seems to be eating very well... actually is so funny it goes nuts and dances at the glass everytime I'm around, begging for food. I'm feeding her (at least I think it's a her. Blander coloring than the pics I've seen... but maybe it's just a juvi?) Formula 2 pellets, tiny bits of fresh shrimp, and algea sheets. There is LR and the seller sent 2 freebie purple gorgonias (that were exposed to air, which I heard they shouldn't be, and already disintegrating) to munch if she pleases.
Has anyone kept this fish sucessfully, and if so, any tips?


Parrotfish feeds on corals and lots of LR for in its life tiakes a whole lot of sand from eating LR and hopefully you a large tank for if im not mistaking, the stoplight grows some 22"


The max size I was told for the Stoplight is just under a foot!
She's in a 90 right now, but I've been *actively* searching for an upgrade near me.
Ouch. Sounds like I'll need to find her a good home at a public aquarium in a few years...
It's easy to get bad information, apparently. I realize it's my responsibility to educate myself, but I guess you shouldn't trust the people trying to sell you stuff.


"They are considered Herbivores, eating marine algaes, but they eat all types of corals at the same time. Parrot Fish play are large role in the destruction of our reefs as they bite off and grind up the corals. The can excrete tremendous amounts of digested coral, which comes out as sand. This is where a lot of our ocean sand comes from. "
My info indicated that they get up to 16" - and are difficult to get to eat in captivity. Sounds like the eating thing won't be a problem...


No, eating is definitely not an issue
Question is, do I wanna feed the little darling too much and accelerate that growth?!? Almost irresistable, begging like that.
Wonder how much my DSB will rise - LOL ***)
I've been watching her to see if she bites off the coraline on the LR, but haven't seen that at all.