Particales in the water...


Well, I am trying to figure out why I have particles in the water. I was thinking running my protien skimmer would remove such particles, but my water has been like this since I switch things to the 75gal last May. I got my HQIs and they make it that much more noticeable. Any clue as how I could solve this? I do not have any direct current on my substrate. I have top and bottom returns in the tank from my refugium. I have a custom protien skimmer that is proven. These are not small bubbles, but simply particales. Not sure if you can tell in the pictures.



Active Member
What particles are you talking about in the pics? Just not sure what you're seeing.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
It's suspended detrious and planktonic stuffs. Your skimmer will get rid of a lot of the bad stuff, but it's tough to get rid of all of it. Mine has it too, and I've read posts that it is pretty normal. Some ppl even say you WANT particles!


david david david,you cannot achieve the perfect tank.not possible.might as well forget the dream and live in i do not have particles floatin around in mine. :happy: just kiddin dude,i am gonna come over one of these days after work and check out the new only had the 55 the last time and i am interested in seeing the halides.


Originally Posted by wax32
It's suspended detrious and planktonic stuffs. Your skimmer will get rid of a lot of the bad stuff, but it's tough to get rid of all of it. Mine has it too, and I've read posts that it is pretty normal. Some ppl even say you WANT particles!
Well, I know we are gonna have some particles, but this seems like a lot. A lot more then what I have had with any other aqaurium.


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
What particles are you talking about in the pics? Just not sure what you're seeing.
Lisa :happyfish

I thought maybe the images might show it, but the most you can see is a slight haze. I am referring to suspended detritus. I seem to be having a lot more than what I normally do.


Originally Posted by motohead
david david david,you cannot achieve the perfect tank.not possible.might as well forget the dream and live in i do not have particles floatin around in mine. :happy: just kiddin dude,i am gonna come over one of these days after work and check out the new only had the 55 the last time and i am interested in seeing the halides.

You are more than welcome to come over and check ithe tank out :)


Active Member
i had the same thing, and i ran a product called filter floss....its the same thing old laides use when there making blankets for padding....took ALL of the crap out of my water over night...literally looked like my fish were floating in air.
just my 2 cents


Yeah, what is that.
Sometimes I think that some particals never leave the main cabin area of the tank and get into the sump where the skimmer is.
I am interested to see what it is and how to deal with it. I can never get crystal clear water either.


Active Member
seriously, use filter floss.
it works. put it in a high flow area of your tank, and let it sit for a day, and your tank will be crystal clear, i had a massive mud storm from my miracle a period of a day my tank was crystal clear from a MUD storm.
you can get the stuff at any fabric store for wicked stores call it filter floss...or you can just go to a fabric store and tell them you need the material old ladies use to insolate there blankets.


Where did you put the filter floss? And did it clear all of the water in the tank?
I have some floss type foam stuff in the sump, I have though about putting it in the overflow area? Any ideas?
Pictures of where you have yours?


Active Member
Here are a few pictures,...i haven't changed mine in prolly a its a bit dirty,...but it gives you a general idea. I have mine in the second chamber of my ecosystem filter right above the bio the whole tanks water supply pass's it at a rate of 1200 125 gallons pass's buy quite quickly :)
mind you my tank isn't the most best color right now, i still have my 10k's in and a crappy camera...i have 20k mh's going in, about a week! :)



Hi Diane I am the one who didnt do water change in months. I was not trying to be mean to my fish. (I love fish I have no problem with them. I only didnt change the water. I add fresh water all the time to keep the alkalinity good but I go through it so fast I cant make enough to do a water change as well. I feed my fish and crabs daily. I just wish I could keep coral and anemeas. I posted so I could learn why and what I may have to add. All my regualr levels were excellent so I am doing something right there. But I would like to know what I am doing wrong so I can keep coral. I am in my room with this tank at least 2 hours a day and would love to see some incredable things. If you like to help answer and I will try and follow through.
Thank you


Active Member
how can you not keep corals?..its insainly easy. if your tank is low stocked, you have the proper light/levels...its beyond easy, atleast for me.


Jer4916, thank you for the picture. That helps alot. I see how you kind of rolled the filter floss stuff in the sump on it's way to the return pump. Wow. I sort of have that with a sponge there, but will be using the fiberous stuff now. Thanks
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Chris, how often do you rinse or replace the floss? And do you have any fish in your tank?


Hi Loserami. I didn't mean to offend you, but the thought of not doing weekly, or at minimum bi-weekly water changes made my skin crawl. My fish tanks are cleaner than my own house. The difference is if humans are dirty or are in a dirty environment, we can leave to go to a clean place, clean the place or clean ourselves. Our captive animals in our fish tanks are totally dependant on us...and can't leave, and can't clean themselves. It is the most basic thing you can do.
Sometimes I have been known to do a water change even if they aren't due because the fish enjoy it and it can give them a mental lift. It's a pick me up. It's kind of like the refreshing cup of steam hot brewed coffee in the morning. or how good you feel after a shower. It makes you say, ahhh yes. Thats it.
My fish litteraly take showers when I am on the refill into the tank. I hold the python tube over their tank vertically, holding it still. It causes a splash of bubble coming in to the tank. And if the have the temp set just right, our Oscars literally dance under the bubbles. They love their water changes.
Corals - I am faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr from being an expert. I am new to all the saltwater stuff. My best advice to you is to spend lots of time on this forum, there is a ton of knowledge out here. People are great.
I have heard that the polyps and mushroom families seem to be the hardiest. I didn't have interest at first in doing a reef tank, until the live figi rock I bought to cycle my new saltwater tank with starting growing things. I got lucky to purchase live rock that has grown anthelia in it. And it's spreading. Totally awesome. I have since purchased a small rock with green carpet mushroom on it and that seems to be doing well now. And a small peice of pipe organ coral.
We just invested in a Coral life Lunar light. A $250 package (price varies). And that looks awesome. Haven't hooked it up yet.
I don't think that anyone is ever done learning. It puts me in total awe when I see something new growing in my tank. The hardest part for me is to know where and how to learn what it is.
Loseriam - have you checked your amonia and nitrate levels? How about calcium. The calcium is important to the corals and do you carefully match the water you replace each time as far as temp and SG? If you are adding water to replace, how are you loosing the water. Is it only through evaporation, or are you removing any water?


I never checked the calcium level but the nitrates nitrites and amonia are all great reading 0 on all. I added calcium before but the corals still died. I loose the water through evapration I have a 54 gal corner tank and I add 5 gallons a week all lost through evaporation. I do have a RO hook up to make the water which I always use. The thing is I only have 2 of the 2 1/2 gallon containers and I let the water sit 3 days to eliminate the clorine from the tap.
I use to have oscars years ago but now I have been trying salt. I had seahorses for over a year where someone said I'll never keep them more then a month or two. They are hard to keep. Now I just wanted a reef tank.
I will try harder and get a beautiful colorful tank with all different coral soon. I just add one piece at a time and wait to see its results. So far hasnt been the best.
Thank you


Active Member
Yes, i have fish in my tank, i have a yellow tang, 3 green cromis,2 mated coral banded shrimp,emrald crab, arrow head holding off on fish alot of fish untill i have the mass of my corals in my tank, as its easier to watch my levels...they dont go really to make my levels jump :)


Active Member
You say that you have two 2 1/2 gallon containers? You should only syphon off the top half of those containers. That way you will not get all of the minerals into your tank. This is the process of distilled water. Sorry, just got done playing poker and a little tipsy. Also, you might want to post how many GPH you are running through your system. I have noticed that at times I have too much calcium and am experiencing snow in my tank. This is little chunks of calcium floating through my tank. When these land on corals they can get burnt/damaged. Hence why we use kalk paste to kill atpasia... Check those levels and if it is just waste use the filter you should be fine. About four times a year I run a carbon filter as well to help improve/remove some chemicals. Not neccesary but has helped when I have been lazy with water CHANGES. Good luck