Particals in water?


I have a 90 gal tank and a tide pool two. I seem to have a lot of particals floating around in my tank. I have about 100 lbs of rock, three fish, 0ne inch of sand. I'm getting the idea that the tide pool filter just can't filter out the water. Can anyone give me some idea. I started my tank in May of this year.


If your "particles" are detritus or residue from rock/sand, then you will need a filter with the capability to strain out very fine particles. The tidepool is a great system, I have it on my 75 gal, but when I do a water change, I add an aquaclear powerhead with a filter attachment which removes ALL cloudiness or fine stuff floating around in the water.
If your 'particles' are moving on their own, then you may be seeing minute creatures that live in your tank. Turn off the filters and watch closely to see if they are moving around. I have noticed at night under the moonlights on my tank, there are tiny critters swimming around My PJ Cardinal swims around eating whatever he can catch.