Passer angel....


I have an extremely territorial 5 " passer angel... It litteraly got into all out brawls with a 5 " clown trigger. Also the only fish to mess wit a tessalata eel..(kept slappin him.) all i have now is the passer and a yellow tang.... CANI I GET A FLAME ANGEL? Im used to aggressive but i wanna go nice now.


Active Member
You would have to get rid of the passer angel first before you add anything to the aquarium. If the passer beat up on a clown trigger, it will surely not like another angel fish, a dwarf at that.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty much normal behavior for a passer. You have a real problem since the angel has now declared the entire tank to be his territory, and any new fish will probably seen as invading - prime meat for attack.


Active Member
in my expierence, passers are pretty aggressive. and considering he doesn't mind tangling with the trigger and eel, i wouldnt add anything.