Passer Angel


I have one on hold at the LFS that is 4" or so, and was wondering if anyone on here has one. Mine is eating well, is very active, and survived a few different diseases as the LFS has had it for two months. Can you please post pics? what size it is? how long you have had it? and what tankmates it has? Thanks


Active Member
I hear this are the meanest angel you can add to a tank, make sure any tankmates are larger and meaner and don't try to add much after you get it.


ya, looking at a tang and a trigger to go along with it. Likely a red sea sailfin, powder brown, or yellow tang and have been looking at the hawaiian black triggers or a blue throat. Here is a thread about my setup/fish list in progress.


Active Member
I wouldn't stick a sailfin or naso in a 125 personally, way too big, huge bioload also. I'm planning on a 125 soon also and wasn't going to put anyting bigger than a kole tang and one trigger in it. It's not really a wide tank and I like my fish to be able to turn around even with all the rock. Mine's going to be semi-reef though. Make sure you have a qt set up for all the fish, ick is a ton more hassle with five fish in a display tank that one in a separate qt. Blue throat would be awesome, one of my favs and possible for my tank also. Wish I could afford a crosshatch though.


ya, crosshatches are abit pricy and the LFS has a blue throat and a black trigger that I like. I haven't even thought about a naso as I know they get too big too fast. The passer is still a juvi and I will be upgrading in the next year to eighteen months. That is why I was considering a small sailfin but I do know they grow fast. The powder browns get to a max of around 8" which is half of what the sailfin would be. I have already started laying groundwork for an inwall project I've been wanting to do for the upgrade. That tank will be a self made wood on three sides project and will probably be 6' x 4' x 4' and will be sitting on the concrete of my garage floor and be seen in my bedroom

Just started this thread to see if I could find anyone on here with experience with passers and maybe pics of them in their aquariums


Here's a few pics of the new additions as I picked up the Passer Angel and the Hawaiian Black Trigger
Here's the Passer at about 4-5"

The two together

Hawaiian Black Trigger at about 6"