Passer(King) Angel F/S Illinois


New Member
I am selling my beautiful Passer Angel due to the fact that his tank is being taken down. He is about 6-7" and is in full adult colors, pictures do not show his full potential. I am asking $150 obo for him. He would do great in an aggressive tank since he was certainly the king of mine until I took all of the other fish away. I am located in Palatine, Illinois.



New Member
Well, I was not quite sure what to ask for him since many places around me will ask upwards of $300 for one like this but that is why I am taking the best offer. I need to get rid of this fish or my shark that is in another tank.


New Member
wanabebell, He has a decent temperment and has lived with a variety of fish. He would always chase my one yellow tang but never inflict any damage. I think he just enjoyed chasing the other fish since none of the fish ever had any nipped fins. With that said he would probably be much better in a big tank with puffers, triggers, lions, and tangs. I used to have him in with some corals and he never showed any interest in those.
redman1221, I only have an eppaulette shark, I would like others however I just do not have the time and money to invest in a pond. I might be willing to ship the angel down there but I would need to look into how much it would cost first.


i dont think i can give him a big enough tank considering i have a 90 and plus it might dominate my lil sohol (4 inches)
Beautiful fish tho


New Member
redman1221, He has never nipped at my eppaulette shark because I have never given him a chance. The shark is in the big tank while the angel is in the small tank. I would not trust this angel with any shark since he did nip at a brown banded bamboo shark that I had. Any fish that sits still on the bottom is a target for him but he is fine with any fish similiar to his size that are swimming or small fish that he is too slow to chase.