Paxil for my clown?


I posted a "FREE ANEMONE" ad in the trading/classified section, but was condy is getting way to big, but my maroon clown LOVES it. And the condy loves the clown. The clown feeds it on a regular basis (probably to keep from being dinner himself), at any rate. Do clownfish get "depressed" when their host anemones "disappear"? I'm going to find a BTA for him, but just a weird thought because he's so happy now.


Staff member
Most every one here will say LOL, and most will say that the clown doesn't need anemones either. I disagree. If they are happy together, then keep them together! Your clown and anemone will love you for it.


Active Member
I think maroons and tomatos just seem happier if they have an anenome or a coral to host in. Just my own experience/impression. Since your condy is getting too big is there any way your lfs would trade for a bta? Also, you might be able to find a tank propagated bta. Another thing that maroons seem to often take to is furry/hairy mushrooms. Just some ideas.
The Paxil thing is too funny, I don't think my oscellaris clowns ever seem to really go to sleep. Makes me want to take a paxil just watching them still hovering around in the middle of the night.
The tomato now it's snuggled into the bta every night sound asleep:)


Well I'll call the LFS regarding a trade and see if they have any BTA's.
I hope this isn't too traumatic.
Beth I would keep this present condy, but it really is getting enormous.


New Member
I bet that clown will love the bubble tip even more. My little perc couldn't be happier with his haitan. I find it soooo humorous when the anenomae isn't in full bloom how stressed he gets to get him to open up...:D


Well Fluffy moved from the "mansion" condy last night to her new "townhouse" BTA. But she loves it and dived right in.