PB going in hypo have ?


Active Member
OK, I knew this was a risk with this fish. Watched it at lfs 3 weeks, q'd it 2 weeks at home and have had it in the main tank for a little over 3 weeks. Ich....so into the hospital tank it goes and am starting hyp. Luckily it's still eating well and swimming around so I'm going to take what little solace I can from that. Question is while it is in hypo is it beneficial to still add garlic and zoe to the food? I have no reason to believe it could be detrimental but wanted to make sure it would be beneficial.


Staff member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
Question is while it is in hypo is it beneficial to still add garlic and zoe to the food? I have no reason to believe it could be detrimental but wanted to make sure it would be beneficial.

Definately do!
3 wks in QT not 2 before intro-ing new fish to display.


Active Member
Thanks. I think from now on I'm going to do 4 weeks in q if I'm dealing with a delicate fish. And that will be a very long time and judging by this morning that will be a cold day in you know where. I've watched this fish for about 8 weeks total, 5 weeks in my tanks. Added garlic and zoe from day 1. We have kept a very close watch on it. Until yesterday it was doing great. No problems, no unusual behaviour and then bang ich! It's worse this morning and I don't know if it will make it through, still in the lowering salinity stage. It's getting lethargic and has more spots.


Active Member
TerryB - It was in the main tank with the other fish. So yes, the scare is on! My husband is out borrowing a refractometer from another hobbyist we know. We don't have one. We both took off work today to work on this. I have 2 tanks I can use for hospital if needed. The PB is in the 10 and I have a 20 that I can use if I have too. I just hope it doesn't come to that. Since adding the PB to the main tank we have been and continue to alternate garlic and zoe when feeding. We are monitoring the PH in the hospital tank. We used water from the main tank and we are lowering sg from there.


Active Member
I just lost the fish. The ich was really all over it. So thinking back over the whole thing...it was my fault because I did not catch it and identify it in time. Until I read someone else's post I didn't remember that last week I noticed that the PB had some tiny "bumps" on it. I really think that is when I should have pulled the fish and started the hypo. Obviously, I wasn't watching this beautiful fish as closely as I'd thought for the approx. 5 weeks I've had it. And now I've essentially killed it.:( and put my other fish at risk.


Staff member
Sorry to hear this, but stop the process now and treat all your fish....that is the only way to adequately address the problem. Treat all of them now.


Staff member
Good to hear. Your fish will love you for it!
BTW: You can hypo all new fish, regardless of the presence or your seeing ich. This is a sure way of never introducing ich into your system. It may also address other problems--parasites, bacterial, etc.


Active Member
We were just talking about that earlier today. After this we agree it's a good idea to hypo any new fish. It will be a very long time with lessons learned, but at some point I would like PB again. It is my favorite tang.


Staff member
Debi: Does the refract that you are going to use have both SG and salinity measurement? If so, I like to know what reading you get on the salinity when you measure sg, or visa versa, as well as the temp of your QT.


Active Member
Sorry Beth I didn't see this til now. I'll ask hubby but the 14 ppt is all I think I remember. He took it back once we got it stable. He'll probably borrow it this weekend to check again to make sure. I've been really busy with work and class so I haven't kept up with the details so much. I lost my lm blenny, the pb, my clowns, my little clown goby and neon goby. We saved the yellow tang, coral beauty and sixline wrasse. Very, very sad. We have 2 tanks going, a 20 and a 10.:(


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Debi: Does the refract that you are going to use have both SG and salinity measurement? If so, I like to know what reading you get on the salinity when you measure sg, or visa versa, as well as the temp of your QT.

Don't know for sure if this is right but 14ppt, 1.009 and temp is 78. I need my own refract to get it down just right but had to borrow for the emergency. Update on the yellow tang, sixline wrasse and coral beauty is they are doing well. No signs of ich returning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hypo seems to be working.
The last sign of ich was on the 10th so I need to keep them in the hospital tank until July 10th right? Then slowly bring the sg up to match the main tank over like 3 days? Would that be right? Of course there are no fish in the main tank right now.


Staff member
For caution's sake, I like to say 3 wks from the time that ich is gone [no longer visible to you]. Take 5 days to bring the salinity back up.
I was curious about the sg because my refract also reads 1.009 sg at 14ppm at 78deg, and even at 80 deg.


Active Member
Well, that's sounds like maybe they are right. Do you mind sharing which brand you bought? Should the 2 degrees make a difference?